Why choose Trinity NCM?
Independently verified as a global leader in safe carbon trading. We’ve created a global super standard for the benefit of farmers and the companies they trade with.
The highest integrity standards
Trinity NCM has been independently assessed as a global leader in safe carbon trading and robust carbon footprinting, including ISO 14064 and ISO 14067 certifications. Also, our carbon credits methodology has been independently assessed, scoring in all categories equal or better than established market standards and registries.
The highest quality credits
Our carbon credits are generated using the industry’s most scientifically rigorous carbon calculator and can be associated with biodiversity and water protection co-benefits. This offers assurances and additional value to buyers and higher premiums and protections to sellers.
The Trinity way
Trinity Natural Capital Group is a mission-driven organisation dedicated to unleashing the genius of the world’s farmers. We are supportive and not prescriptive. We provide unbiased access to the world’s best science. We deliver maximum value for the lowest costs.
A global leader in safe trading of high quality carbon credits
Trinity NCM has been assessed as a global leader in high integrity standards and safe carbon trading, including ISO 14064 certification. Trinity NCM’s Methodology has also been independently compared against renowned standards and registries, scoring equally or better in all categories. See the comparison with Verra’s VM0042 Methodology here.
A global leader in product carbon footprinting, in line with ISO and the GHG Protocol
Trinity NCM has received ISO 14067 certification, the most robust standard for carbon footprinting of products, which allows corporates to meet their SBTi FLAG targets as it aligns with the GHG Protocol Land Sector and Removals Guidance.
Ex-post crediting for verified mitigation practices that have been implemented (spot contracts). Ex-ante crediting for validated mitigation plans (forward contracts).
Recommended 5-year baseline. Conservative calculations based on uncertainty range adjustments.
Verifier accredited by the International Accreditation Forum. Ongoing monitoring & reporting.
Committment to 10-30 year durability. 20% buffer pool to protect against carbon reversal.
Negative profitability required to comply with financial additionality. Regulatory additionality addressed for farms participating in voluntary subsidy schemes.
Holistic farm approach where all fields are considered. Conservative calculations based yield reduction adjustments.
No double claiming or double issuance. No registered credits in other carbon schemes.
Safeguards in place. Impact assessment conducted.
Neutralisation of residual emissions through removal credits. Compensation of residual emissions through reductions credits.
You can generate carbon credits of the highest quality
Trinity AgTech and Trinity NCM have no corporate backers, affiliations or shareholder interests that could distort their values nor their mission. We are 100% independent of any group within the agriculture & food ecosystem.
We have a policy of not leaving anyone behind: we cater for all farm sizes, all levels of technological sophistication, all forms of farming, and all enterprises.
We maximise the growth of natural capital and its associated financial gains, providing the best prices and the lowest costs because we offer a joined-up approach with no unnecessary intermediaries and we run our own best-in-class technology, which reliably and accurately assesses what you have to trade.
Our methodologies have been used in 80+ countries and we are kept up-to-date by a 41-member Scientific Board, including Professor Jon Hillier who is the original developer of the Cool Farm Tool, as well as Dr. Alasdair J. Sykes who is the former Chief Scientific Officer of Agrecalc.
We allow farmers to explore a wide range of non-prescriptive mitigation practices that are tailored to their farm, depending on their agricultural system, practices already in place, and materiality impact.
We follow both a practices-based and an outcomes-based methodology, recommending farmers to comply with the mitigation practices that they have committed to, while allowing mitigation practices that were not part of the original plan.
We reward both carbon positive and carbon negative farms, backdating early action contracts for those who have already achieved net-zero, and providing optimal plans for those aiming to achieve net-zero within certain financial and production constraints.
We offer spot contracts, allowing farmers to explore the carbon market without making a long-term commitment. We also offer forward contracts, allowing farmers to choose the duration of the contract, lock in their baseline and mitigate price volatility.
We work with a leading international law firm, highly specialised in financial services and carbon markets. They are members of the Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets.
We work with leading rural estate law firms. For instance, in the UK they advise a variety of private estates and farming companies, including the Church Commissioners and the Crown Estate, in relation to aspects of their rural land and mineral portfolios.
Our methodology follows ISO 14064-2:2019 standards.
We require validation and verification in line with ISO 14064-3:2019 standards executed by ISO 14065:2020 accredited bodies.
We follow the latest science available for carbon footprinting: tier 2 and 3 methodologies from the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.
We frame natural assets in a way that investors can relate to, generating credits with co-benefits (e.g. biodiversity impact, water protection, etc.) and broken down by greenhouse gas emissions reduction, soil carbon sequestration, woody and plant biomass carbon sequestration, and carbon stock retention.
Our Life Cycle Assessment includes scope 3 emissions (e.g. transportation, packaging, and production of fertiliser/feed/pesticides/infrastructure/etc.), scope 2 emissions (e.g. heating, electricity use, etc.), and scope 1 emissions (e.g. enteric fermentation and manure management based on tier 2 models; tier 3 methods for perennial crops, biochar and anaerobic digestion; fertiliser application tier 2 methods; soil carbon stock change tier 2 process-based model; and a tier 3 model for woodland in line with the Woodland Carbon Code).
We address natural, model, contractual and counterparty risks, offering mitigation measures against ex-ante and ex-post risks, such as buffer pools or escrow accounts.
We generate carbon credits following a conservative approach that makes adjustments based on predicted yield loss and that leverages the upper and lower bounds of statistical uncertainty ranges. We then true-up or true-down the amount of carbon credits when we have the actual data on the year that the mitigation practices are implemented.
We generate carbon credits following biophysical steady state process-based models that consider soil characteristics, climate, and farming practices.
We can rely on our integrated synthetic-aperture radar and optical satellite capabilities for monitoring purposes, verifying durability standards at a low cost, with high frequency and regardless of cloud coverage. Farmers may also provide on-site measurements of soil organic carbon stocks to improve and back test the input data going into the model (as long as they follow a robust sampling pattern).
We check additionality by running a breakeven assessment based on the estimated costs to implement the mitigation practices (including foregone income), and the revenue associated with the sale of carbon credits, potential savings due to the mitigation practices and voluntary subsidies (if any).
We make credible statements, offering up to a 30-year durability based on a rolling 10-year retention period; we stop at 30 years because it is the maximum length of typical private contracts in financial markets across the world.
We account for leakage at the enterprise level, adjusting the carbon credits amount based on the predicted yield loss.
Trinity NCM works alongside Sandy to provide an end-to-end digital proposition, offering the greatest level of granularity, transparency, and traceability, allowing for price discovery and increased trust:
Ensuring compliance with Trinity NCM’s standards, given that Trinity NCM’s methodology has been coded into Sandy.
Allowing for tier 2 and 3 methodologies from the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines (that cannot be run out of a spreadsheet).
Including controls, such as flagging data that falls outside of average ranges, making inferences for key input data, and timestamping and geolocating for verification purposes.
Saving time as the operational data can be input via integration to farm management systems or uploading an Excel template.
Providing optimal plans to set on a net-zero trajectory, finding trade-offs between yield, profitability, and sustainability.
And, most importantly, massively bringing down verification costs, allowing farmers to generate carbon credits for the first time ever.
The Trinity way

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